The Retirement Heard ’round the World: Reactions to Saxby Chambliss

By: Chris Neill

Sen. Saxby Chambliss announced Friday morning that he would not be seeking reelection in 2014. He cited exasperation with partisan gridlock as the reason for his retirement from the United States Congress. His announcement sparked a myriad of responses from across the political spectrum.

Gov. Nathan Deal gave a pragmatic, straightforward comment in which he seemed most concerned with the procedural formalities of the situation. “I told him to make sure he served out his full term because I didn’t want to appoint someone,” Deal said to an Atlanta-Journal Constitution reporter.

Numerous partisans immediately saw the announcement in terms of the possibilities presented by the empty seat. Rep. Jack Kingston predicted that as many as 10 Republicans could compete for that seat in the primary. In addition to potential big-names that will attract donations, contenders like Reps. Tom Price and Paul Broun, Rep. Kingston thinks the primary race could “probably have a self-funder in there, and you can have a mad scramble.”

With the most recent presidential primary still fresh in their memories, Democrats welcome the idea of such a wide and fragmented GOP primary with open arms. Guy Cecil, executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, says Chambliss’s retirement could make way for a bitter primary battle, resulting in a far right candidate unpalatable in the general election. According to Cecil, Democrats will also likely be bolstered by increasingly diverse demographics.

“Georgia will now offer Democrats one of our best pick-up opportunities of the cycle,” he says. “This will be a top priority.”

National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Jerry Moran thinks the Democrats are overestimating their advantage, however. In a statement following Sen. Chambliss’ announcement, Sen. Moran said,”what doesn’t change with today’s announcement is the reality that the Democrats have a very uphill battle to try wrestling this seat from Republican hands. Georgia is a red state that rejected President Obama and his liberal agenda by almost 10 points last November.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina expressed “great sadness and disappointment” over the retirement of his friend.

Likewise, fellow Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson said he would miss working with Sen. Chambliss in 2014, noting that “our state and our country are better because of Saxby Chambliss.”

Now that Washington’s political gridlock will be behind him in 2014, Chambliss began looking to the future. “I’m going to have a life after this,” Chambliss said, pondering his post-political life. “Sitting on a back porch drinking whisky with some of y’all is exciting to think about.”