What’s Law Got to Do with It?

By: Patrick Wheat As the world looks on, the United States Congress continues its debate on the subject of military…

Your Move, Uncle Sam

By: Korey Boehm Last Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed that U.S. intelligence officials have evidence that the regime…

The Great Game- Syria Redux

Reporting from GPR’s Moroccan bureau, Andrew Jarnigan files an effortless and intelligent analysis of Syria in the Middle Eastern context. …

Saving Multilateral Diplomacy

By: Alexander Sileo  Since the end of the Cold War, third-party interventions and multilateral initiatives have undergone a renaissance on…

Winter in Syria

By: Emily Kopp The temperature may be pushing 70 degrees in Athens, but in tent cities in northern Iraq and…

Syria: Facts and Figures

By: Sami Jarjour What’s taking place in Syria is more complex than what my previous piece on the country, The…

The Syrian Demand

By: Sami Jarjour President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian government apparently have no construct of even the slightest degree of…