The John Oliver Effect

By Madison Bledsoe may have heard John Oliver teach sex education to his audience; you may have seen the legendary…

The Media and The Democrats

By: Tommy Desoutter, Guest Writer The mainstream media is right about one thing: the midterm elections were a big defeat…

(Un)reality Television

By: Chenee Tracey “You’re going to Hollywood!” Cut to the excited “American Idol” contestant who has just discovered she has…

Venezuela’s Bedlam

By: Michael Ingram In an Instagram video uploaded on Jan. 6 by Miss Venezuela 2004 Monica Speer, amber sunbeams cast…

Explaining the Q in LGBTQ

By: Shuchi Goyal For several years, a movement calling for the rejection of the gender binary fueled the growth of…

The Uncovered Continent

By: Aashka Dave The continental United States, China, India, Japan, and the majority of Europe can comfortably fit inside Africa’s…

The Cost of Being First

By: Carson Aft There is no second place. The threshold between first and last can be infinitesimal, but the consequences…