What Fuels Private Prisons

By Bennet Souter This article was originally published in GPR’s Spring 2017 Magazine Since the inauguration, there has been a…

A Guide to Tax Reform

By Torus Lu ecently, Senate Republicans passed a quintessentially-Republican budget resolution.  It involved large spending cuts to government programs, which…

Juveniles and a Life Behind Bars

By Nina Reddy There are more than 2,000 child offenders serving life sentences without parole in the United States today,…

Book Review: What Happened

By Ashton Jones-Doherty What Happened? Perhaps, you have asked yourself that exact same question. Perhaps, you have searched and formed…

Healthcare Around the World

By Torus Lu American health care is, by many metrics, exorbitant in cost and mediocre in quality.  At 17.2 percent,…

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