Book Review: What Happened

By Ashton Jones-Doherty What Happened? Perhaps, you have asked yourself that exact same question. Perhaps, you have searched and formed…

Review: Hidden Figures

By Shuchi Goyal Katherine Johnson, one of the three leads of “Hidden Figures,” joins NASA’s Space Task Group as a…

Fences: Inspiring and Honest

By Zoë Smith Washington, a two-time Academy Award-winning actor, has never failed to impress through his work and contributions to…

Review: Moonlight

By Ashton Jones-Doherty try to simplify “Moonlight” into different talking points would be to destroy the magic that its director…

Oscar Review: Hacksaw Ridge

By Sandy Davis back to the film days of “Saving Private Ryan” and “We Were Soldiers,” Mel Gibson’s “Hacksaw Ridge”…

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