(Un)reality Television

By: Chenee Tracey “You’re going to Hollywood!” Cut to the excited “American Idol” contestant who has just discovered she has…

The Zero Line of Kashmir

By: Michael Ingram A tourist attraction in the middle of a warzone is a peculiar sight to behold. I stood,…

Rwanda, 20 Years Later

By: Matthew Oldham   In the spring of 1994, the international community witnessed one of the most violent and horrific…

Citizens United 2.0

By: Patrick Wheat In another step toward the elimination of any sort of limits on financial contributions to political campaigns,…

Rand’s Rise

By: Russell Dye In less than four years, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has paraded  himself forward onto the national stage…

Meet Drew, Jim, and Brittany

By: Quinn Rogness In part two of our interview with DJB, Drew, Jim, and Brittany speak about their student experiences,…

SGA Elections: BridgeUGA

By: Mark Rush Polls opened on Oasis for SGA elections yesterday. There are two SGA Executive tickets running. I was…

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