The Debt Ceiling is Back

By Torus Lu early March, Congress received a letter from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin regarding the debt ceiling.  Among the…

All Eyes on Georgia’s 6th

By Mae Eldahshoury failing to repeal and replace the Democrats’ Affordable Care Act, what could be worse for former Rep.…

Why the Gender Wage Gap Persists

By Rachael Andrews does the gender wage gap persist despite numerous different pieces of legislation that sought to close it?…

Life After Park in South Korea

By Alex Boylston 2016 was coming to a close, media outlets around the globe displayed images of hundreds of thousands…

Mourning What Has Long Been Dead

By Alex Boylston a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in early March, much of the media’s attention was…

Make America Work Again

  By Seamus Murrock all the noise and headline-sensationalizing that has hijacked the economic news media since the 2016 election…

Alternative Economic Data

By Torus Lu one way or another, many of the statistics used to track American economic activity can be misrepresented…

Testing the Waters

By Alex Vanden Heuvel @TheVandenHeuvel The author would like to thank the Terry College Associate Dean for Research and Graduate…

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