The Death of DOMA

By: Quinn Rogness #LoveIsLove: This simple eleven character phrase followed President Obama’s tweet in support of the Supreme Court’s 5-4…

The Common Core Conundrum

By: Nathan Williams Education reform at any level of government is challenging considering the heightened sensitivity usually surrounding this type…

Through a PRISM Darkly

By: Jacqueline Van De Velde In the spring of 2013, Americans burst into an uproar over a practice called “unlawful,…

Affirmative Action, Revisted

By: Taryn Winston Last October, Taryn examined the affirmative action decision pending before the Supreme Court in Fischer v. University…

High School v2.0

By: Carson Aft The pursuit of higher education brings with it the promise of class mobility and prosperity. Deeply connected,…

Booker’s Big Break

By: Andrew Roberts It can be assumed that with every loss of a politician, whether by death or resignation, a…