DNC Drinking Game


By: Ryan Priordnc

As President Barack Obama accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for President, join us for the best way to drink in his words.

For the Speech:

“Make no mistake.” Drink once.

“Let me be clear.” Drink once.

“Let me be perfectly clear.” Drink twice.

“Failed policies of the past.” Drink twice.

“You didn’t build that.” Drink twice.

Codes gay marriage as “being with the person you love.” Drink twice.

Obama mentions Clint Eastwood. Drink three times.

Obama compares himself to Reagan. Drink three times.

Romney said “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.” Drink three times.

“Do it. It’s right.” Drink once.

If Obama says Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Finish your beer.

If Bill Clinton comes on stage. Finish your beer.

Obama references an empty chair. Finish your beer.


 For the Media:

If Wolf Blitzer does something awkward. Drink once.

If CNN interviews a celebrity who clearly doesn’t understand politics. Drink twice.

Someone on MSNBC says this is Obama’s speech ever. Drink once.

If Chris Matthews compares Obama to Jack Kennedy. Drink once.

Piers Morgan says he’s “hot” at the CNN Grill. Drink once.

Piers Morgan reminds us that he’s not American. Drink once.